Those are the words that Myers wrote on a piece of paper when he heard that the current unemployment rate was at a staggering 10%. He knew that he could use his resources to help the hard working folks that needed transportation.
The Winston-Salem, NC used car dealer is the owner of Frank Myers Auto Maxx and, little did he know, he had written the first words of his latest television commercial.
Myers, whose father is a partner with the sponsor of the car giveaway (Carolina Pride Car Wash), decided to offer an easy way for the community to register for the free 2009 Ford Fusion. "I sincerely want folks to come in and register for this 2009 Fusion," Tracy said. “In return, I can assure them that they won’t be pressured in any way possible. We’ll make this quick and easy…PLUS they don’t have to buy anything to register!”
Thousands of people are expected to take Myers up on his invitation, and on December 10th of 2009, someone will win the used-car giveaway. Myers helped promote the car giveaway by running one of the famously quirky television commercials. After the first tv commercial aired, the dealership received more than 300 phone calls. By the time the second commercial aired, the dealership had already received close to 700 calls.
Myers continued by saying, “We’re takinging entries up until November the 30th at 4200 North Patterson Avenue in Winston-Salem, NC and the big drawing will be held on December 10, 2009. “ For official rules, visit: http://www.cpsweepstakes.com/.
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Tracy Myers is the owner of Frank Myers Auto Maxx in Winston-Salem, NC and he is commonly referred to as "The Automotive Transportation & Financial Expert". For a FREE copy of "8 Keys To A Better Car Deal", visit - http://www.frankmyersauto.com/