Shoppers who logged on early this morning found an error message. The site was restored at 7 a.m. EST.
Heavy traffic from Black Friday shoppers might have caused the temporary glitch. Distressed bargain hunters researched the problem on Google, making it one of the most-searched topics.
Staples, like many retailers on Black Friday, is offering discounts on goods, such as laptop computers, global-positioning devices and copy paper on its Web site.
Tracy Myers, owner of North Carolina used car dealership Frank Myers Auto Maxx, said his website is prepared to handle as much as 6 times the traffic of a "normal" business day. "I announced our Black November sales event at the end of October and, because of our huge response, I prepared our servers to handle huge amounts of web traffic several weeks ago."
Myers added by saying, "past Black Fridays have been incredible and I don't expect anything different this year. As a matter of fact, due to the incredible deals that we're offering, I am expecting the best Black Friday that Frank Myers Auto has ever seen."