Hey! Uncle Frank here from Frank Myers Auto Maxx, a used car dealership in Winston-Salem, NC. And YES, before you ask...there really is an Uncle Frank.
Just wanted to take a minute to show you the picture above. It's a picture of a nice young lady and her family. She was graduating college and wanted her favorite song represented. What was her favorite song?
Purple Rain? NO!
Whoomp, There It Is? NO!
Another One Bites The Dust? NO!
Her favorite song was MY theme song...EVERYBODY RIDES!
So this young lady (who, I must say, has an impeccable taste in music) decided to decorate her hat with the words EVERYBODY RIDES! And just for good measure, her really cool family also brought along an EVERYBODY RIDES sign. PLUS they took the picture and brought me a copy.
So if you want to know why she loves my song so much, click HERE and enjoy.